“Its Good To Talk” 70cm FM
3rd October 2021Lee, M0RLE is organising another QSO event on the 70cm band using FM. The idea is to make as many contacts as possible during the time period.
Activity is to take place between 11am and 1pm local time on the 3rd October. The only requirement to you submitting your logs is that you must use a homebrew 70cm antenna that you have built yourself. Bought antennas are not allowed.
The exchange for each QSO will be RST, Serial Number, WAB and Maidenhead Locator. You’ll need to record the time, callsign and frequency as well for your log.
Completed logs need to be emailed to Lee along with your antenna photo to prove you have built it!
Some members of GX4MWS will be taking part and hopefully look forward to working many more people on 70cm